Relying on our memories can sometimes be an unanticipated adventure.
The core of the gospel message seems to be very clear, but some people just can’t grasp the meaning.
Christ knocks at the door to our hearts.
Love should be something that pours and flows, not just a dripping faucet.
We want to have the things that are important to us personalized. So it must be with Christ.
There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. Christ came to accomplish this once and for all.
The depth of agony as Christ was crucified is beyond our comprehension, but we must meditate on it as we worship Him.
It is much easier to say “I love you” than to really mean it.
Corban is a term for checking a box the appears to be obeying God but is actually directly opposed to his wishes.
One of Christ’s greatest declarations was that he would rebuild the temple (His body) in three days.
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