We all have regrets – only Christ has none. No_Regrets
I’m sure we have all had the experience of lost love. God has, as well, in a much larger sense. Lost_Love
As believers we are often portrayed as taking a “Leap of Faith”; as if we were totally blind to what we are doing. But true faith is really not like that. Leap_of_Faith
We hate to see the first scratch on anything we have that is new, especially our new car. The_Scratch
An advisor once told me that the only way to have perfect safety is to never do anything. But that kind of safety is not useful. Perfect_Safety
Have you ever tried to stop a leak? This can be a very frustrating experience! Stopping the Leak
We may not understand the full workings of God’s salvation, but we should recognize His ability to accomplish it.
Some time when we are “punished”, we find ourselves in better circumstances – like being thrown into a briar patch.
Sometimes it is difficult to keep singing when trying to comfort the family of a friend that was lost to us.
Both body and blood are part of the Eucharist, but we usually emphasize the blood.
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