We need prayers to recite as well as prayers that come straight from the heart. These are the repetitive prayers that I use every day. Prayer HSL 221229
We are all sinners, but sometimes we have to deal with those who have hurt us. We have to do “damage control” and find away to make things better. Damage_Control
We are not very fond of discipline, but it is truly the only way to find freedom. Freedom_through_Discipline
We all want a smooth-running engine in our car – when it sputters and coughs we know it needs repair. We sputter through life sometimes, but God’s power can smooth us out. Sputtering_article
We are truly insignificant specks in the eyes of the omnipotent God. But He loves us anyway. Insignificant_article
The story of Joseph, and his response to favoritism, is one of the truly great stories in the Bible. Favoritism_article
Have you ever thrown a ball and had it bounce right back in your face? Sudden_Rebound
Melchizedek present a very interesting mystery in terms of his heritage. When the word appears to have missing pieces, we have to learn to not give up on the real story. The_Order_of_Melchizedek
One of my first paying jobs was to cut an elderly ladies’ yard a few miles out in the country. It seemed like a losing proposition, but I’ll never forget her! Mrs_Bryan
Do we think of our actions as “against the law” or “against the wish or will of God”? Against_the_Law
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