The idea of not taking care of your own family is one of the worst ever. Especially when you claim you are taking care of higher matters. Corban_article
We are all too easily distracted in our pursuit of God. Distraction_article
Image is everything only when we are truly in the image of God. Image_isnt_everything
Everyone should know that you don’t break the law of gravity – it breaks you! Breaking_the_Law_of_Gravity
Never confuse a muscle pain application with burn ointment for numbing a problem. Burn_Ointment
Ever heard the expression “Just us Chickens”? Christ would be glad to gather us under His wings. Just_Chickens
Sometimes when we are guilty of something we become oppressive to others in order to hide it. Guilty_Oppression
God is the great healer – we may not be physically healed in the way that we want, but He provides spiritual healing. “He restores our souls”. Healing_article
Some of us have a hard shell of insensitivity that is hard to crack. Sensitivity_article
Our view of God is not always comforting. But God clearly offers comfort to us. Comfort_article
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