Do we consider our sinful nature or only that we have discrete sins? Sinful_Nature
Do we spend any time wondering if we can accept the cup that life presents us? The_Cup
Being a Scout is about learning to survive physical challenges. Being a Christian is about learning to survive spiritual challenges. Survival_Scouts
Is your desire to “survive” your greatest goal in life? Struggle_Survive
My wife Soozie is a very creative artist… If You Make It, They Will Call
We have a responsibility to not muddy the waters of truth, especially by not corrupting it with our own agenda. Responsibility_1_Muddy_Waters
We have a responsibility to not muddy the waters of truth. This parallels elements of the Scout Law, as well as basic camping etiquette. Responsibility_1_Muddy_Waters_Scouts
Our bill is paid in full by Jesus Christ. Restitution_devo
We all know about the danger of addiction. Addiction_devo
What level of understanding is required for us to be saved? Levels_of_Understanding
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