When we think of the fact that “God is Light”, we should consider its vast wavelength range. Light_Wavelength
Our relationship with God can be seen as an oath of loyalty. Two_Types_of_Contract
When we are spiritually bankrupt, there is a place we can all go for relief. Bankruptcy_devo
The blood of Christ can soften the hardest of hearts, if allowed. Hardness_of_Heart
God seeks our devotion, and in His Word He gives several examples of what He wants. Devotion_devo
How do we respond to the complete forgiveness of our sins through Christ? Response_devo
How do we respond to the complete forgiveness of our sins through Christ? Response_wednesday
Have you ever traveled and been unable to find a room? Room_at_the_Inn
When we are working to exhaustion, we must not confuse junk food with true food. True_Food
How comfortable are we with our worship? Would we run a rescue shop at great risk to ourselves? Rescue_Shop
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