A night hike can be exhilarating, especially when your flashlights give out. Night_Hike
With Christ physically gone from the world, we have some responsibility to be the light of the world. Who_Is_the_Light_of_the_World
To some, the greatest commandment is “to look pretty”. Looking_Pretty
Some jokes are full of nonsense, but nonetheless may make us think of something meaningful. Radio_Joke
I wrote a few words on how to prepare for a band performance at my old Junior High school. Performance_article
Freedom is bought through the cost of those who sacrifice them for it. The_Price_of_Freedom
It is thrilling to get close to the edge of a cliff, but it is also very dangerous. Living_on_the_Edge
The power of advertising produces some amazing costs. $20K_per_second
Advertisers try to invoke universal appeal for their product to induce you to buy it. Universal_Appeal
The chasm that can divide us may depend on our approach to the character of God. What_the_Rich_Man_Asked_For
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