Resurrection and Spring are so closely related! Emerging_from_the_Broken_Earth_SSM
Having paint on your clothes is not a bad thing – it is just the mark of an artist! The_Mark_of_the_Artist
The thief on the cross made an audacious request. A_Most_Audacious_Request_SSM
Think of how those touched by Christ must have felt. Feeling_the_Touch_SSM
Some people cannot understand the beauty of the creative process. Response_to_the_Creative_Process_SSM
What did the rich man really ask for? Twist_on_the_Story_of_the_Rich_Man_and_Lazarus_SSM
God is able to recover what we think is unrecoverable… even the blood of Christ. Recoverable_article_SSM
This is a parable about relationships, and how we sometimes let them deteriorate. Too_Late_SSM
Jesus spent a dark night before his trial. But when the time came, He was ready to go! The_Dark_Night_Before_the_Battle_SSM
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