What does a “cargo cult” have to do with the Holy Spirit? Waiting_for_the_Spirit
The father and son relationship is used as a model for how we should see our relationship with God. Lad_and_Dad
Relationships are critical to life, especially eternal life. Relationships_devo
Staying on the right track takes great concentration. Concentration_devo
Being stung by bees offers a pretty high level of motivation. Motivation_devo
The Psalmist echoes the great creativity spirit of God in his worship. The_Psalmist_Creativity
God, as a sort of a spiritual surgeon to cut out problem areas, needs for us to be still and yield to His operation. Yielded_and_Still
God has not promised that all of our suffering will be removed, but that He will give us strength to endure. Human_Suffering
It is our duty to motivate each other for good. Motivating_Each_Other
There is a majesty in the Christian life, and I am reminded of this when viewing the beauty of this earth. Majesty_devo
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