The blood of Christ was poured out for us, and God recovered it so that we could be saved by it. Recoverable_comm
In scientific theories, symbols are often used to facilitate the understanding of formulas. Levels_of_Symbols_Simple_Formula
There are layers of symbols to consider as we think of the Lord’s Supper. Layers_of_Symbols
A summary of the story of Elijah and the Ravens. Elijah_and_Ravens
Pharaoh did not know much, perhaps, but he knew the value of slaves. Say_what_you_want_about_Pharaoh
Are we afraid to get close enough to God to “touch” Him? Touch_Close_to_God
The church is illustrated as a marriage, but the heavenly relationship will be so much greater than that! Cosmic Connection Comm Comm – Marriage Relationships
The world had to go through a catastrophe to illustrate the magnitude of God’s grace! Eucatastrophe_article
We normally think that something broken is worthless. But this does not apply at all to Christ! The_Value_of_the_Broken
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