Are we engaged in the pursuit of some kind of purpose? What_are_we_doing?
Did you ever have dreams of being a hero (or heroine) when you were growing up? Heroes_devo
We must have something to keep us from thinking too much about our “self”. Diversion_devo
We need to take great care with how we deal with our spiritual resources. Waste_devo
William Barclay noted that, after the resurrection, Jesus only appeared to those who love Him. Only_Those_that_Love_You
God can be looked at as absolute truth, and this collection looks at this. My later thought understands the Grace of God as a factor that also must be considered. Absolute_Truth_Collection
A Scout is brave – much like many Bible figures. Bravery_devo
J.B. Phillips wrote a wonderful book that considers our view of God as too small, no matter what it is. Your_God_is_too_Small
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