God can be looked at as absolute truth, and this collection looks at this. My later thought understands the Grace of God as a factor that also must be considered. Absolute_Truth_Collection
A Scout is brave – much like many Bible figures. Bravery_devo
J.B. Phillips wrote a wonderful book that considers our view of God as too small, no matter what it is. Your_God_is_too_Small
Justice and mercy met together in Christ. Justice_and_Mercy
I believe very strongly that God wants us to think and use our imaginations in our worship of Him. Thought_and_Imagination
Rules are often very narrow. We must make sure when they are so and know how to apply them. Narrow_devo
If we are given a directive by God, do we minimize what we do? Arrows_devo
We have guidelines about worship, but not explicit rules about the form. Worship_devo
In the first chapter of 2 Corinthians we see a section in there that talks repeatedly of affliction and comfort. Comfort_article
Think of God smiling at us through His Son and His sacrifice. The_Smile_of_God
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