We all have the ability to approach God because of His grace (through Jesus Christ). Approach_to_God
Is what Christ taught enough of a sign for us to believe in Him? Do we really need more than that? Enough_of_a_Sign
Some people think that trust means that you sit on your behind and wait for good things to happen. Active_Trust
We all love compliments, but some are sort of back-handed. But we are given the greatest compliment, if we just understand. Compliments_devo
This was a blessing for the opening of my sister Joy’s Lifeline Counseling Center in Maryville, TN. Office_Blessing_Lifeline
Some people sacrifice what is truly good for their pursuit of being “right”. Better_right_or_good
What does a “cargo cult” have to do with the Holy Spirit? Waiting_for_the_Spirit
The father and son relationship is used as a model for how we should see our relationship with God. Lad_and_Dad
Relationships are critical to life, especially eternal life. Relationships_devo
Staying on the right track takes great concentration. Concentration_devo
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