The church is illustrated as a marriage, but the heavenly relationship will be so much greater than that! Cosmic Connection Comm Comm – Marriage Relationships
The world had to go through a catastrophe to illustrate the magnitude of God’s grace! Eucatastrophe_article
We normally think that something broken is worthless. But this does not apply at all to Christ! The_Value_of_the_Broken
What could be more audacious than to request entrance to Paradise while hanging on a cross! A Most Audacious Request comm comm
What is the ratio of requests and thanks in your prayers? Prayer_Ratio
Reshaping intro SSM2
This is the introduction to the “Reshaping” section of my book The Second Swordsman Writes Again. Reshaping intro SSM2
This is the introduction to the “Creativity” section of my book The Second Swordsman Writes Again. Creativity Introduction SSM2
This is the introduction to the “Mission” section of my book The Second Swordsman Writes Again. Mission_Glorify_God
Sometimes we just get enough about whatever is confronting us! Enough_Crazy
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