There is a majesty in the Christian life, and I am reminded of this when viewing the beauty of this earth. Majesty_devo
To some, the greatest commandment is “to look pretty”. Looking_Pretty
We should live in harmony with the world as much as we can, but most especially in harmony with God. Disharmony_article
Too many of us cannot see what is right in front of our faces. We need vision to perceive the Grace of God. Vision_article
We hate to see the first scratch on anything we have that is new, especially our new car. The_Scratch
There is something about the beauty of the universe that brings us in closer fellowship to God.
This is a follow-on to my earlier story “Emerging from the Broken Earth”, but thinking more of good things blooming from our hearts.
What do we evaluate as True Riches? This is something we all need to consider. True_Riches
Being an artist is one thing, but being a creative artist is certainly a level up. Artist_vs_Creator
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