Sometimes the most beautiful music is not due to getting the notes and rhythm right. It’s what comes from a life of living from the heart. The_Delightful_Duet
Our universe is so awesome and beautiful. Think what it must have looked like in its original state! As Dennis the Menace once said to his friend Joey as they examined the stars, “If heaven is that pretty on the bottom, think how it must look like on top!” We_Broke_the_Creation
The beauty of God’s Love is that He came down to earth to participate in our lives. Down_to_Earth
God is the Great Creator of all. Sometimes I think that we forget how He loves to create, and how that is a fundamental part of His being. And he loves seeing creativity in us as well. The_Artist_King
There are moments in our lives that take our breath away; but when it returns it fills us in way that changes us immeasurably. The_Breath_of_Life
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Teachers are gardeners of souls, helping them to bloom into something awesomely beautiful. Walking_through_the_Garden
The overwhelming glory of God is too bright for us, but sometimes we can gain a lot from a mere reflection. Watching_the_Sunrise
I love spring, and hope to see many more before I die. But heaven will be even better. Eternal_Spring
We need to always look for the good, the redeeming value, in things. Seeing_the_Good
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