God is able to recover what we think is unrecoverable… even the blood of Christ. Recoverable_article_SSM
The blood of Christ was poured out for us, and God recovered it so that we could be saved by it. Recoverable_comm
There are layers of symbols to consider as we think of the Lord’s Supper. Layers_of_Symbols
It is interesting to consider that we are ransomed from the devil’s grasp by the blood of Christ. Ransom_devo
Christ’s blood calls out from the ground; but God has recovered it so that we can be saved. Recoverable_article
We generally avoid touching blood, but there is such a great benefit in touching the blood of Christ. Touching Christ
Both body and blood are part of the Eucharist, but we usually emphasize the blood.
There is no forgiveness without the shedding of blood. Christ came to accomplish this once and for all.
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