A ring can be a powerful description of feelings for someone, especially in the bond of marriage. The_Ring
Can you leave your group and follow Christ without them? Though_None_Go_With_Me
There is great joy in putting your heart into something. Joy_Campus_Night
The defense of the fortress Masada has become legendary. Masada_devo
It is always good to re-examine the definition of coommitment. Definition_of_Commitment
There is something about the appearance of Ernest Shackleton on a remote island near Antartica that is so amazing! Awesome_Appearance
It is easy to get sidetracked as we follow the Way. Sidetracked_devo
Do we pursue God with all of our hearts? With_All_of_My_Heart
There are times in our struggles and conflicts when we must take a stand. Take_a_Stand
We are given talents and we must be committed to use them along the way. Commitment_Talents
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