The core of the gospel message seems to be very clear, but some people just can’t grasp the meaning.
We may feel that we are not effective in our ministry – that no one is listening. We may have thoughts that we think should bring others to the glory of God, but assume that they are lost in the cosmic noise of humanity. But God uses our measly efforts in the weave of His greater plan. Gathering_Thoughts
So often we cannot find and do not say the right words for the situation. We should always pray for wisdom in this regard. God provides wisdom – and sometimes one who will speak for us. The_Spirit_Gives_the_Words
We sometimes need a special place to emphasize our closeness to God. sacred_place
God made us all with a unique song to sing. Soul_Song
Have you ever tried doing two complex things at once? Our finite minds have difficulty, but consider how great the mind of God is. Conversing_with_a_Piano_Player
Management is not always very helpful. Colorful_Management
Ever swung on a grapevine or rope across a creek? Loss_of_Information
If you love someone, then any “slice” of time that you can spend with them, no matter how brief, is wonderful. Lost_Time Slices_of_Time
How do people view us? Good influence or bad? Genuine or hypocrite? lost_in_our_translation
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