Our universe is so awesome and beautiful. Think what it must have looked like in its original state! As Dennis the Menace once said to his friend Joey as they examined the stars, “If heaven is that pretty on the bottom, think how it must look like on top!” We_Broke_the_Creation
It is difficult to see a powerful person limited through illness or other means. Consider that Jesus was the full representation of God on earth, but was voluntarily constrained in many ways so that we could be saved. Confined_Creator
I believe in directed creation – this universe, even though broken, is still magnificent beyond our capacity to grasp. I don’t believe that it just “happened”. Origins_Out_Came_This_Calf
God is equivalent in so many ways to “Good”. Let_there_be
We try to localize God and confine Him in a part of His Creation. In ancient times, it was a physical idol, but we accomplish much the same thing in our own time. But the incarnation of the Son in human form is the only meaningful, legitimate case of this happening. Infusing_a_creation_with_God
God is the Great Creator of all. Sometimes I think that we forget how He loves to create, and how that is a fundamental part of His being. And he loves seeing creativity in us as well. The_Artist_King
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Believing in undirected evolution requires more faith than believing in God. At least, that is the way I think. Such_Great_Faith Such_Great_Faith
Our “daily bread” is the strength that we receive from God every day. Daily_Bread
Those that are so creative with their hands amaze me – and they make me think of God, the Great Creator. The_Woodcarvers_Masterpiece
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