The eulogy for our lives should be what truly inspires us, even if we were not able to accomplish notable things.
Being an artist is one thing, but being a creative artist is certainly a level up. Artist_vs_Creator
It is difficult to see a powerful person limited through illness or other means. Consider that Jesus was the full representation of God on earth, but was voluntarily constrained in many ways so that we could be saved. Confined_Creator
The Great Creator has to intercede for us when we attempt to become something that is simply beyond us. He knows our minds and hearts, though, and that is the information that He needs. The_Artist_Interceding
God is the Great Creator of all. Sometimes I think that we forget how He loves to create, and how that is a fundamental part of His being. And he loves seeing creativity in us as well. The_Artist_King
We must never let our worship become stagnant or by rote. We should worship in new ways every day. Sing_a_new_song
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Our “daily bread” is the strength that we receive from God every day. Daily_Bread
God is able to shape us, but we must allow Him to do so. Carved_Without_Hands
Do we leave a permanent mark on our surroundings? Painting_over_the_mural
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