In scientific theories, symbols are often used to facilitate the understanding of formulas. Levels_of_Symbols_Simple_Formula
What could be more audacious than to request entrance to Paradise while hanging on a cross! A Most Audacious Request comm comm
The idea of vengeance vanishes with God, as shown especially in the words of Christ on the cross. Vengeance_Vanishes
The depth of agony as Christ was crucified is beyond our comprehension, but we must meditate on it as we worship Him.
Clarence Jordan is the author of the Cotton Patch Version knew a lot about what Christians should understand about suffering.
Christ hangs on the cross in between these two extremes and acts as a bridge between the vast chasm of emptiness without God and His personal, loving, parental touch.
We are all ignorant of the fullness and depth of God’s plan and providence.
We think of sacrifice at a very low level – giving a few percent of our means, etc., but true sacrifice is giving up something that is loved.
Our “daily bread” is the strength that we receive from God every day. Daily_Bread
Jesus, though in very nature God, humbled himself. The Height of the Cross
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