When Jesus met the two on the road to Emmaus, he told his story for the first time in a long while to someone who did not know who He was (until later).
There is something about the beauty of the universe that brings us in closer fellowship to God.
Our communion with Christ is a kind of family mission.
There are a few examples of the transition from death to life, but the only one that stuck was the case of Christ.
Joseph forgave his brothers in spite of what they did to him. Christ is the ultimate extension of this.
Christ died to keep us from sinking deep in sin.
Sometimes we have to clean our viewport to really understand the truth.
Christ hangs on the cross in between these two extremes and acts as a bridge between the vast chasm of emptiness without God and His personal, loving, parental touch.
Can we see the wounds in the hands of Christ?
We sometimes we get recognition for something that we have done. Compared to Christ’s sacrifice, it seems to be inappropriate.
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