One of our greatest drives, I think, is our reaching out beyond ourselves. Touching_the_Infinite
Is your relationship with God worth more than anything else? The_Worth_of_God
I believe that God watches us, eagerly searching for a spark of Good from each of us. Spark_of_Good
God is the only cleaner that can truly help us. Cleansing_God_and_Us
We all need an external source of power. External_Source
God can help us against what seem to be insurmountable odds. Against_the_Odds
We may not understand the full nature of God, but the gospel gives us all that we need to follow Him. Complete_Gospel
Image is everything only when we are truly in the image of God. Image_isnt_everything
Our view of God is not always comforting. But God clearly offers comfort to us. Comfort_article
God understands us completely – and that is good for us if we seek Him. Gods_Understanding
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