Is there any greater compliment than to be called “a man after God’s own heart”? After_Gods_Own_Heart
God is an artist of the absolutely highest rank, and it is interesting to think of Him as the Great Creator – especially of things beyond our understanding. God’s_Workshop
Have you ever tried doing two complex things at once? Our finite minds have difficulty, but consider how great the mind of God is. Conversing_with_a_Piano_Player
Our view of God is truly too small. Understanding_the_Depth_and_Breadth
Creativity is a curious thing – we all have problems producing it. We need to better understand the origin of all creativity. Moses_and_the_Flow_of_Water
The idea has already been covered, that our most precious gems are our relationships. I had to give it my own spin. Precious_Gems
Here is another angel story, thinking about what they must think about in terms of how difficult it is for man to really become one with God. filling_our_hearts
We find spiritual meaning in many things that we do, even (or especially) when we are enjoying ourselves! hunting_for_sea_turtles
I love singing with a group; there is something magical about the blending of musical harmony. What will it be like in heaven? Heavenly_Harmony
Another angel story, looking at certain perspectives of the soul – thoughts about what makes it up and how it relates to the infinite Spirit of God. Soul_Physics
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