I believe that God watches us, eagerly searching for a spark of Good from each of us. Spark_of_Good
People can be characterized in two extremes that I label “anchors” and “storms”. Anchors_and_Storms
We all wonder why God made the world the way He did, and how such a God can be called Good. But when you think deeply enough about it, you see that it is truly the Greatest Story that ever could be told. The_Competition
What do we evaluate as True Riches? This is something we all need to consider. True_Riches
We are all sinners and fall short of the glory of God. But sometimes we approach what He wants of us. These stories are the ones that choke me up and cause tears to flow. I think God is emotionally involved as well. The_Story_Collector
God is equivalent in so many ways to “Good”. Let_there_be
God is the Great Creator of all. Sometimes I think that we forget how He loves to create, and how that is a fundamental part of His being. And he loves seeing creativity in us as well. The_Artist_King
There are moments in our lives that take our breath away; but when it returns it fills us in way that changes us immeasurably. The_Breath_of_Life
We should all be pursuing God and His Great Goodness. Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that God is not just a demanding Presence, but He wants us to see the greater picture. Going_for_the_Gold
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