There is something about the beauty of the universe that brings us in closer fellowship to God.
Have you ever been chosen last for the games at recess? Have you ever been chosen by someone who loves you?
I love singing, and try to help congregational singing with volume that fills the room. My friend Tom encourages me, and I feel that his encouragement is an act of grace.
What is the glory of the Lord worth to us? What are we worth to Him?
Christ hangs on the cross in between these two extremes and acts as a bridge between the vast chasm of emptiness without God and His personal, loving, parental touch.
The only way that we are worthy to stand is through the strength of Christ and the grace of God.
We sometimes we get recognition for something that we have done. Compared to Christ’s sacrifice, it seems to be inappropriate.
The Good Samaritan covered the future expenses of the injured man, just as He covers our sins.
This is an variation or an extension of the story “Through the Narrow Door” in Stories of the Second Swordsman. Narrow is the way, but broad is the Love of God.
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