God’s creation of the world is totally beyond our comprehension. His Grace is a little easier to understand. This is a story that hopefully will make us think more about what is involved in both.
Our understanding of God’s Grace is magnified by the fact that He cares for those who broke His magnificent creation!
Gratitude is essential to us as followers (and ‘appreciaters’ of Christ). Grace and Gratitude have similar beginnings…
We are all dust and ashes, as Abraham once said. But God loves us even so.
We approach God, being ‘counted’ as qualified (or worthy) to enter into His Kingdom.
What if someone else found the coin that the woman in the parable lost?
Have you ever backed into your own car? Embarrassing, isn’t it!
We all wonder why God made the world the way He did, and how such a God can be called Good. But when you think deeply enough about it, you see that it is truly the Greatest Story that ever could be told. The_Competition
We all sometimes need more time to work on ourselves and our relationships. Jesus offers such in the parable of the fig tree.
The narrow door has always been to motivate or frighten us. Perhaps it is given to us to make us think.
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