You can humble yourself, or be humiliated – many times it is your choice. Humility_devo
If we have any human power, we must be careful how we use it. Use_of_Power
Sometimes we think that we are bullet-proof, but that is certainly not so! It_Wont_Happen_to_Me
We must not let pride ruin our relationships. The_High_and_Mighty
One of the hardest things that we are asked to do is to count others better than ourselves. More_Worthy
This is a re-shaped story based on the Pharisee and the publican.
Jesus, though in very nature God, humbled himself. The Height of the Cross
It’s okay to think that you are smart, but it should be kept to yourself. Ironically, many smart people don’t realize that. if_i_do_not_love_reshaped
Associated with the Recalibration story is this one about resetting our ground level. Reset_Zero
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