We may not get a call like Paul did, but we all get something that should inspire us. The_Call
We must have something to keep us from thinking too much about our “self”. Diversion_devo
What would you most like to inspire? Inspiration_article
There is a big difference between being motivated and being inspired. Motivation_or_Inspiration
I think we all have a desire to inspire others. But we need to inspire them about something truly great, not our own selves. Desire_to_Inspire
Not all heroes make huge, noticeable splashes. Some recede quietly into the background. Quiet_Heroes
So often we cannot find and do not say the right words for the situation. We should always pray for wisdom in this regard. God provides wisdom – and sometimes one who will speak for us. The_Spirit_Gives_the_Words
There are moments in our lives that take our breath away; but when it returns it fills us in way that changes us immeasurably. The_Breath_of_Life
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Teachers are gardeners of souls, helping them to bloom into something awesomely beautiful. Walking_through_the_Garden
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