Do others see the joy that you have in your Christian life? The_Joy_of_Christian_Living
The cartoon Dilbert has it appeal in revealing the truth in many of life’s situations. The_Dilbert_Appeal
The source of our strength determines the manner in which we interpret what happens in our life. Strength_Interprets_Life
God, the creator of life, and revive ours. Revival_devo
Going through life involves solving many real puzzles. The_Puzzle
Life is full of strategism, and we are always looking to make the best move. The_Best_Move
This is a story about how our lives seem to be passing through a tornado. But we can get through it with help. Tornado_story
We all suffer loss, and even the loss of a small, entertaining animal is akin the the more serious losses that we encounter.
When life seems to break down, we need our faith to carry us through, whether God fixes things as we want Him to or not…
These charts were developed for a Sunday School Bible Class to help people understand their purpose in life, and especially in God’s service. The research questions are also included that were used during the class.
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