We all have a dark side, but Christ brings us the light. The_Dark_Side
What level of understanding is required for us to be saved? Levels_of_Understanding
When we think of the fact that “God is Light”, we should consider its vast wavelength range. Light_Wavelength
A night hike can be exhilarating, especially when your flashlights give out. Night_Hike
With Christ physically gone from the world, we have some responsibility to be the light of the world. Who_Is_the_Light_of_the_World
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Holding the light for my Dad was always an adventure – for him! Hold_the_Light_Steady
This is a story about our need to be a light to the world. guardians_of_the_flame
This was a follow-up to the previous post on “Viewing His Suffering”, and has to do with another way to view the way God showed His love for us and to us. The_Ripped_Veil
This is basically an angel story, but it leans toward another group of stories that deal with my profession as a scientist / engineer. First_Light
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