Do we think of our Eucharist as just a remembrance, or looking forward in anticipation of a great adventure? The_First_Passover
Christ bore our stripes. The_Changers
Do we really understand what Christ did for us? Realization_of_What_He_Did
Jesus, though in very nature God, humbled himself. The Height of the Cross
Perhaps the most intimate and expressive act of worship in the Bible. Embracing_Christ
Our worship should be something new and fresh every day. Sing_a_new_song_comm
Have you every gotten your hands so filthy you didn’t know how to clean them? The_Potter’s_Hands
Vines have a natural tendency to wrap around whatever is available as they grow. They can overpower the object of their attention, but can never become one with it. Entwined_but_not_Joined
God asks us to come where Christ lay… Come_and_see
Another way to see the sacrifice that Christ made for us. the_ticking_bomb
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