Intimate contact involves the transfer of material, and the story of the woman’s worship through washing Christ’s feet with her tears is something to think about in this regard. Transfer_of_Dust
Having your spirit restored, after dark times, is such a blessing. Absorbing_Love
My wife, Soozie, is a child-whisperer. Kids are drawn to her by some type of special force – she claims it is her eyebrows. I tell her that it is her ability to show children that she cares about them. This story is told from her point of view. But it happened as written, for I was there as a witness. Rodica
If you love someone, then any “slice” of time that you can spend with them, no matter how brief, is wonderful. Lost_Time Slices_of_Time
It’s okay to think that you are smart, but it should be kept to yourself. Ironically, many smart people don’t realize that. if_i_do_not_love_reshaped
This story goes along with the stories of angels looking into “Soul Physics,” but not really written from an angel’s direct viewpoint. Double_Helix
We are all confronted with social media – some embrace it, but some do not. This story has some thoughts on an interesting path for the subject to take. Heartbook
I like to reshape passages to see a little bit different meaning. This story hopefully adds meaning to the original situation. The_Power_of_the_Resurrection
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