Pharaoh did not know much, perhaps, but he knew the value of slaves. Say_what_you_want_about_Pharaoh
The cartoon Dilbert has it appeal in revealing the truth in many of life’s situations. The_Dilbert_Appeal
Some personal interactions, especially those concerned with management, seem to only flow in one direction. Diode_devo
The best management is “management by walking around”; but some managers try to lead from afar. Distant_Management
Do you ever wonder how management comes up with the rules they have? They seem to usually be quite separated from what the workforce actually has to do. Fortunately, God’s rules are made through being a loving Father.
Management is truly different from Leadership. Not that this is a rule, but the agendas are not the same.
We have to suffer “evaluation” from our bosses from time to time. It is a difficult job, and not always gratifying to either party.
Application of old stories to a new environment can give them a new flavor. In thinking of bureaucratic systems, the history of David and Goliath can make us think about how to get things done. Heavy_Armor
The impedance sometimes presented by those in authority spans all times and locations. It’s often amazing that anything gets done. Unbearable_Loads
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