If you could only take one book with you if you were going to be stranded on a desert island, what would it be? Boat_Buildiing
Being stung by bees offers a pretty high level of motivation. Motivation_devo
There is a big difference between being motivated and being inspired. Motivation_or_Inspiration
Teachers are gardeners of souls, helping them to bloom into something awesomely beautiful. Walking_through_the_Garden
We all have burdens. Sometimes they weigh us down so that we find it hard to move. But other times they push us on towards a great goal. Burden_or_Motivation
Management seems to be in love with rules. But the more rules, the less motivation, I think. The_Millionth_Rule
My wife Soozie is an art teacher that is also a very practical engineer. She makes crayons for her students that are held as great treasures. The_Crayon_Maker
Motivating mankind is so difficult. Look at it from the angels’ point of view. Getting_Started
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