What is the ratio of requests and thanks in your prayers? Prayer_Ratio
The simultaneous prayer of multitudes is a great concentration of spiritual power as God responds to it. Coherent_Prayer
Do you hate getting cold calls from solicitors? So does God! Solicitor_Calling
We need prayers to recite as well as prayers that come straight from the heart. These are the repetitive prayers that I use every day. Prayer HSL 221229
Staying close to the surface of faith and not trying to sink deep within it is not an effective approach.
This is an variation or an extension of the story “Through the Narrow Door” in Stories of the Second Swordsman. Narrow is the way, but broad is the Love of God.
I enjoy reshaping a passage to emphasize a new thought or meaning. This story compares two givers in the same way as the two “pray-ers”.
We all have those who don’t care for us, but fortunately we have those who love us. We need to forget the former and embrace the latter.
Associated with the Recalibration story is this one about resetting our ground level. Reset_Zero
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