This is a parable about relationships, and how we sometimes let them deteriorate. Too_Late_SSM
Creativity needs to be intimately connected to generosity. The_Toymaker_SSM
William Barclay noted that, after the resurrection, Jesus only appeared to those who love Him. Only_Those_that_Love_You
Relationships are critical to life, especially eternal life. Relationships_devo
We should the spiritual glue that is available to us to keep our marriages together. Glue_devo
True friendship is really strong, sort of like bamboo. The_Strength_of_Bamboo
It is impossible to please everyone, so we should find the limits of a group with which we are effective. SIngle_or_Group
God has always wanted a people to love and who would love him. Gods_People
We must not let pride ruin our relationships. The_High_and_Mighty
Shall we “be like angels” at the resurrection? Being_Like_Angels
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