We all wonder why God made the world the way He did, and how such a God can be called Good. But when you think deeply enough about it, you see that it is truly the Greatest Story that ever could be told. The_Competition
God is not hard to find, if you search. If you seek you will find… Few_there_be_that_find_Him
We all have those who want to see us fail, and offer criticisms to others about our character. A different spin on the parable in this story helps me get through it. What_do_we_do_with_the_weeds?
We all need to be more loving, but we need help from the God of Love. Help_me_to_love_you_more
When we give of ourselves, the impact can be incredible – and permanent. Everlasting_Gifts
We all sometimes need more time to work on ourselves and our relationships. Jesus offers such in the parable of the fig tree.
How well do we really know God? It truly relates to how well He will claim to know us! You_never_knew_me
Sometimes it is interesting to merge some of the thoughts of two different stories or parables. Just to make you think… A_Different_Prodigal
We all wonder what kind of relationships and awareness of personalities that we will have in heaven. I don’t really know, but God will know us, and we will know Him. And I am sure that we will know each other. Deep_Relationships
We all have the danger of making the wrong judgments about people. Throwing stones is our way of dealing with it, but sometimes we have ourselves aimed in the wrong direction. Casting_the_first_stone_in_the_wrong_direction
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