The thief on the cross made an audacious request. A_Most_Audacious_Request_SSM
Did you ever have dreams of being a hero (or heroine) when you were growing up? Heroes_devo
There is something about the appearance of Ernest Shackleton on a remote island near Antartica that is so amazing! Awesome_Appearance
Is your desire to “survive” your greatest goal in life? Struggle_Survive
Our bill is paid in full by Jesus Christ. Restitution_devo
What level of understanding is required for us to be saved? Levels_of_Understanding
What level of understanding is required for us to be saved? Levels_of_Understanding
The Biblical story of the foundling and God’s care for it is somewhat disturbing, but it contains an important lesson. The_Foundling
How comfortable are we with our worship? Would we run a rescue shop at great risk to ourselves? Rescue_Shop
It is thrilling to get close to the edge of a cliff, but it is also very dangerous. Living_on_the_Edge
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