Have you ever felt like you were “living on the edge”? On_the_Edge
Christ gives us freedom to become what God intends us to become. Freedom_article
An advisor once told me that the only way to have perfect safety is to never do anything. But that kind of safety is not useful. Perfect_Safety
We may not understand the full workings of God’s salvation, but we should recognize His ability to accomplish it.
Jesus saved Peter as he began to sink beneath the waves. We need to call on Him when we feel that we are sinking, too.
Sometimes we meet angels unawares, and sometimes we get a message from them when we really need it.
The thief on the cross was powerless to do good works or act in any way to deserve salvation. But Grace is the true power.
We all wonder why God made the world the way He did, and how such a God can be called Good. But when you think deeply enough about it, you see that it is truly the Greatest Story that ever could be told. The_Competition
Jesus, the Son of God, emptied Himself to become our substitute. Here’s another way of looking at it… Emptied_to_Make_Room_for_Us
The narrow door has always been to motivate or frighten us. Perhaps it is given to us to make us think.
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