Christ transferred the dust (sin) of our lives to His own, and cleaned us up completely. Transfer_of_Dust_SSM3
Is a “Wet Paint” sign irresistible for you? Irresistible_devo
When we realize our sinfulness, it is truly amazing grace that God continues to stand by us. Why_have_you_stood_by_me
We all have a dark side, but Christ brings us the light. The_Dark_Side
Do we consider our sinful nature or only that we have discrete sins? Sinful_Nature
Good works do not counteract our sin, but they do show our desire to follow God. Sin_vs_Good_Works
Sometimes we preach against sin, but we are only generally against it. Generally_Against_Sin
We need a warning that rings out loudly when we consider a sin. Sin_Detector
Where does the dirt go when we are cleansed? Cleansing_Dirt
We all need cleansing in our lives. Cleansing_Need
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