This is about worship in spirit and truth from a slightly different perspective. Worship_in_Spirit_and_Truth
Paul talked about his thorn in the flesh; sometimes we have the problem of a thorn in our spirit. Thorn_in_the_Spirit
Enthusiasm is catching, and can engage a group into fantastic progress. Our worship can be like that, too. Enthusiasm_in_Worship
I found out I needed eyeglasses when I was in Junior High, and have had to wear them ever since. Spiritually, we also need a similar type of correction all of the time. Spiritual_Eyesight
Have you ever tried to stop a leak? This can be a very frustrating experience! Stopping the Leak
God promises us access to the Spirit, even more the Spirit is promised to us to help us in our spiritual relationships.
We are promised a measure of the Holy Spirit, and we want to absorb as much as possible. But I wonder if there is a chance of an overload?
Our feelings are strongly connected to the depth of our breathing.
This is a follow-on to my earlier story “Emerging from the Broken Earth”, but thinking more of good things blooming from our hearts.
So often we cannot find and do not say the right words for the situation. We should always pray for wisdom in this regard. God provides wisdom – and sometimes one who will speak for us. The_Spirit_Gives_the_Words
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