Creativity needs to be intimately connected to generosity. The_Toymaker_SSM
My wife is a great entertainer, from babies to adults she finds a way to make people smile.
When we give of ourselves, the impact can be incredible – and permanent. Everlasting_Gifts
God is the Great Creator, and I believe when we say He is Love, then that connects love to that creative power. Art_Interpretation
Teachers are gardeners of souls, helping them to bloom into something awesomely beautiful. Walking_through_the_Garden
The best teachers focus on the worst students. Smart_or_Dumb
My wife, Soozie, is a child-whisperer. Kids are drawn to her by some type of special force – she claims it is her eyebrows. I tell her that it is her ability to show children that she cares about them. This story is told from her point of view. But it happened as written, for I was there as a witness. Rodica
This story is a little twist on the idea of anticipation. Looking_for_a_Loved_One
Education is not accomplished through evaluations, but by creating relationships. big_crayons_for_little_hands
Have you ever imagined that you would save someone’s life? It happens in life in many different ways. saving_a_child
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