We try to carry everything at once, but when we have to drop something, we must make sure that it is the thing of the least importance. Hands_Full
Freedom is bought through the cost of those who sacrifice them for it. The_Price_of_Freedom
The power of advertising produces some amazing costs. $20K_per_second
The sacrifice involved in giving a gift magnifies its value greatly. Value_Added
Is your relationship with God worth more than anything else? The_Worth_of_God
The idea of not taking care of your own family is one of the worst ever. Especially when you claim you are taking care of higher matters. Corban_article
Image is everything only when we are truly in the image of God. Image_isnt_everything
Ever heard the expression “Just us Chickens”? Christ would be glad to gather us under His wings. Just_Chickens
Some people don’t value their families. Esau didn’t, but Jacob didn’t help matters. Birthright_article
It’s a common thing that sometimes with small children, they open a really nice present and show more interest in playing with the box that it came in. Playing_with_the_Box_(Christmas)
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