Do you have a vision that illustrates your purpose in life? PowerVision_devo
The prodigal son decided that he would return home and serve in whatever capacity asked of him. In_whatever_capacity_2
Are we ready to do whatever God asks of us? Even working on the “Dung Gate”? In_whatever_capacity_1
We have to suffer “evaluation” from our bosses from time to time. It is a difficult job, and not always gratifying to either party.
The impedance sometimes presented by those in authority spans all times and locations. It’s often amazing that anything gets done. Unbearable_Loads
Do we leave a permanent mark on our surroundings? Painting_over_the_mural
Jesus told stories to make us think. I like to “re-shape” them sometimes to make us think a bit deeper. Fair_Reward
Our view of God is truly too small. Understanding_the_Depth_and_Breadth
We all had dreams … What_did_you_want_to_be
Thinking about our lifetime of work, and wondering what kind of impact it makes, I wrote this. lost_work
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