Music is such a vital part of life, and even if we cannot sing well it lifts us up in our worship of God.
Sometimes we have a song running around in our heads that we cannot get rid of – if we could only keep the eternal loop running with our worship songs!
When we put our whole heart into worshipful singing, it is exhilarating – and God loves it!
Have you ever done something that saved someone else? And received their eternal gratitude?
Our feelings are strongly connected to the depth of our breathing.
Communion with Christ means we have to slow down and concentrate on the Great Message.
We all wonder why God made the world the way He did, and how such a God can be called Good. But when you think deeply enough about it, you see that it is truly the Greatest Story that ever could be told. The_Competition
God is not hard to find, if you search. If you seek you will find… Few_there_be_that_find_Him
Sometimes the most beautiful music is not due to getting the notes and rhythm right. It’s what comes from a life of living from the heart. The_Delightful_Duet
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